Parish Groups at St. Charles Catholic Church
Growing in Faith Together
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a planning body with short and long-term goals to develop and enhance the quality of community life within the parish in light of the gospel message.
New ideas and fresh approaches are welcome.
PPC Chair: Darryl 0832902058
Catechism & Confirmation
Children of the parish are welcome to join the catechism classes on Tuesdays in preparation for First Confession, First Holy Communion.
Teens of the parish meet on Monday evenings for confirmation classes.
Giselle 084 584 2229
Society Of Saint Vincent de Paul
We work with the impoverished and disadvantaged – regardless of race, color, creed, or position – to provide relief and support, inspired by Jesus Christ’s love. Our goal is to provide a helping hand rather than a handout, so that people we help can break free from the cycle of poverty.
Contact the parish office to find out more about SSVP at St. Charles
Kevin [email protected]
Life Teen
Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church that seeks to bring teens and their families closer to Jesus Christ and His Church.
Contact the parish office to find out more about LifeTeen at St. Charles
Daniella 079 986 3679
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process that allows non-baptized men and women to become members of the Catholic Church. It is divided into numerous stages, each defined by study, prayer, and Mass ceremonies. Catechumens are those who participate in the RCIA. Classes are held on Tuesday evenings. Contact the parish office for more.
Gustavo 082 922 7155
Engaged Encounter
The Engaged Encounter weekend is a experience where couples planning marriage spend dedicated time together to concentrate on each other and their future marriage relationship.
Engaged Encounter is a requirement for all who wish to get married at St. Charles. Contact the parish office for more information.
Steve 083 457 1245
Catholic Women’s League
The CWL provides women with an opportunity to express their faith and values while promoting dignity and justice for all. Together, members share their gifts, making a remarkable difference in their community and beyond.
Find out more about the CWL by contacting the parish office.
Tuesday Morning Group: Melanie G 082 544 0794
Saturday morning group: Marlene 083 782 8083
Retrouvaille is a method that helps couples repair and restore their marriages. “Retrouvaille” literally means “rediscovery.” The program allows you to find yourself, your partner, and your marriage’s love relationship.
Griefshare is a community structured to support grieving parishioners.
If you are suffering the loss of a spouse or have other grievances and you are struggling to cope please contact the parish office for more information.
Coralie 083 524 7016
Saint Charles Care Group
The Saint Charles Care Group assists parishioners with meals, comfort and someone to talk to for when parishioners are sick, lonely or unable to attend Mass. Should you know of a parishioner who needs Care or Holy Communion, please contact the parish office.
Children’s Liturgy
Available for children during the first half of the Sunday morning Masses.
Jane 076 314 4087
Family Of God
Prayer group meeting is held at the parish on Tuesday nights.
Mary 082 873 3372
Centering Prayer Group
Heather 072 584 7246
Renew Prayer Group
Win 083 346 6610
Altar Servers
Proclaimers Of The Word
A group of people dedicate their time to preparing and proclaiming God’s word to the faithful at Holy Mass.
Christo 082 410 4347